
It seems to be about time someone wrote on the difference between energy drinks and soft drinks. To many of us, the energy drinks seem to little more than a ‘specialized type of soft drinks.’ It is this attitude that drives many of us to use the energy supplement in pretty much the same way we use soft drinks which is casually. As their very name suggests, soft drinks are a variety of drinks that can really do very little harm to their users. That is precisely why they are ‘soft.’ You can take them any time you want, in any quantities you want and for the most part, there tends to be no consequences (except for the occasional burping).

But the energy drinks are a different ‘kettle of fish’ altogether.

Now the main thing that makes the difference between energy drinks and soft drinks is their respective potency levels. More specifically, the main difference here is that the energy supplement are much more potent formulations than the soft drinks.

Soft drinks, in terms of formulation, tend to be nothing more than combination of carbonated water, sugar and food coloring, with a preservative here and there to make soda. In the case of a juice, which may qualify to be termed as a soft drink in some circles; the only difference we may be looking at is where the water used is not carbonated and where some fruit extract is added for the sake of authenticity. That is just about it all.

In energy supplement, however, we tend to be looking at much more potent substances than water, fruit extract, sugar and preservative. In the most basic of energy drinks, we will tend to be looking at copious levels of caffeine, from which they obtain their stimulant effect. Now in smaller quantities, caffeine may be an absolutely harmless substance, but in the amounts that tend to be employed in these energy supplement, it becomes truly potent and capable of bringing about remarkable changes in the body. The amounts of caffeine employed in energy drinks will tend to be the sorts of amounts that that can cause real euphoria when taken in excess. These would also be the sorts of amounts that can results in seizures, as their effects wear off from the body forcing the body to go back to an exponentially lower energy level.

The natural energy supplement are no less potent. In order to make them capable of energizing the body, these drinks will tend to contain substances such as Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng or the acai berry extract which turn out to be extremely potent substances. It is through the action of these substances that the energy supplement are able to accelerate user’s metabolism rates to bring about the energizing effects.

Once one gets to understand this difference that exists between energy drinks and soft drinks, they will tend to treat the energy drinks with the seriousness they deserve. That would be by among other things, keeping them away from the reach of children, using them in the right amounts and reading the instructions for their usage keenly. It would also mean avoiding using them alongside things they are likely adversely interact with, such as alcohol.
