
As we move further and further into the 21st century, one thing is for certain: There are a lot more bilingual people than there ever were in the past. In fact a good majority of Europeans are able to speak more than one language. Here are just some reasons to learn a foreign language:

Learning a foreign language can help your career or get you a career. If you’re a person who works for a large company, chances are that company has offices in a foreign country. So instead of just applying for domestic jobs within the company to further your career, you can apply for the international jobs. Obviously, learning the native language will only help your case.

If you are currently unemployed or thinking about getting into the job market, being bilingual is a HUGE plus. All you have to do is look at the local classifieds and see all the jobs that require a second language. This didn’t used to be the case, but for better or worse that’s the way it is now.

If you’re having a hard time finding work in the domestic markets you can also start looking at international job postings. Once again speaking the native language is probably mandatory.

But, maybe the best reason to learn a foreign language is for the simple fact it evolves you as a person. There isn’t a more rewarding experience than traveling the world. You really get to experience the world and all its cultural diversity. The experience is about 100 times better if you are able to speak a foreign language. It’s really something going to a foreign land and seeing the expressions on the natives faces when you are speaking to them in their native tongue. It’s a real eye opener.
