
Leather is durable, water resistant and attractive.

Garments, accessories like leather gloves, furniture and other items are timeless and beautiful.

Leather has been used throughout history and is revered by royalty, celebrities, designers and people with fine taste all over the world. Despite these well-known facts, leather received negative connotation from what is referred to as fetishism and culture.

Leather fetishism is a term used to describe people with an obsessive attraction to wearing leather. Part of this fetish involves leather forming a second skin. Leather garments and gloves become like a second skin, have a distinctive smell and are made from animal skin, which make them arousing to people with this fetish.

Leather fetishism is beyond an erotic sensation about leather. It has also become associated with authority, power and strength because of its legitimate use by police, cowboys, cyclists and bikers.

Also, the term tanning has long been used as a term for whipping or beating. As a result of these factors, leather became viewed as a form of bondage and submission.

During the sixties, leather fetishism and a sadomasochistic subculture was referred to as the “leather culture.” Fetishism and culture started to make people associate leather with alternative behavior.

After defining the leather culture, women’s liberation and the gay movement further broadened the concept of this term.

During the 1970’s, the leather culture became popular throughout the gay subculture. A large number of leather clubs, bars and bathhouses were opened and frequented by members of the homosexual community to meet other gays to participate in leather fetishism and masochistic acts.

Thereafter, in the 1980’s, members of popular rock bands wore leather to further publicize and spread the leather culture, as well as convey a “bad boy” image. Sexual escapades featuring the use of leather and masochism in heavy metal and the homosexual community were frequently shown in the media.

The past twenty years have seen a welcome decline in the popularity of leather fetishism. The beginning of the end of leather culture is said to have occurred in San Francisco due to the huge AIDS epidemic in leather clubs. Quality leather is now publicized and appreciated for its functionality in fashion, furniture, sports and the workforce.

Thankfully, leather is once again defined by those who enjoy it because of its fine quality, durability, flexibility and versatility.

These days it is very normal to wear leather and gloves. Glacé gloves is the essence of well-designed, elegant hand-wear. It is a very simple sort of glove.

However, it is this simplicity that spawns great complexity.

The glacé, in essence, is unlined, which, quite simply, means that the glove is made of only one layer of leather.

This allows the glacé glove to have unique attributes, namely that is that it takes on the form of one’s, hand, practically feeling and functioning as a second skin.
