
Before putting the food into the food dehydrator, always slice them into one-fourth inch pieces or sections. This will allow the optimal exposure of the surface to the heat and airflow of the dehydrator.

As much as possible, evenly distribute the slices of food across the dehydrator sheets. This will also facilitate the process of drying, making it very extensive and effective.

It is advisable to sporadically inspect the drying condition of the food. The items which are located near the fan of the food dehydrator will dry out faster than the other foods. This can be remedied by alternately repositioning the trays after a couple of hours.

Make sure to carefully dry out food and give them time to cool down at room temperature prior to placing them inside a container which has an airtight seal. Even if the moisture level of food removed from the dehydrator is at a low level, they can still secrete some amount of water. The moisture will be kept out of the airtight container if the food is given a cool down period right after it goes through dehydration and prior to placing them inside the airtight container.

Sporadically clean the dehydrator using tepid water particularly near the base of the dehydrator where small pieces of food may have collected.

Try out a variety of food items, recipes and the different methods of preparing food.

Never attempt to fast-track the drying process of the food by increasing the temperature of the dehydrator above the suggested temperature level that the food is supposed to be exposed to. If this is done, hardening will occur or a partial dehydration will occur and the food will have a hard surface with the inside still moist which will spoil the food items too early.

Dry out food items of the same kind together. Dry out vegetables together with other vegetables and fruits with other fruits. Do not dry out asparagus or onions together with bananas and other kinds of fruit.

Always label the containers of the dried food with the date when they were dehydrated. You will be able to monitor the age of the food items and its shelf life with this.

Do not use a microwave oven to dry out food. The best way to dehydrate is with a food dehydrator. There are many types of dehydrators available in the market for home usage. Here you can read further about choosing a food dehydrator to use at home.
