A shocking statistic of 1 in 10 young adults suffer from an ongoing mental illness, such as depression, anxiety and conduct disorder.

A report released shows that around 70% of these young adults have not received the appropriate help at a sufficiently young age.

A change in daily life are often the trigger for many young people, whether it be the separation of parents, the death of a close friend or relative, or experiencing problems in school such as bullying.

Depression now affects more young adults today than it has in the last 20 – 30 years, especially with teenagers, with the average age for onset being 14 years old. This along with Anxiety, Self Harming, PTSD & Eating disorders are growing more common with teenagers.

Around 38% of people who suffer with mental health problems say they have been treated negatively due to the stigma attached with having such problems.

Luckily, this figure is now beginning to fall as peoples attitudes towards mental health change. Chances are, that you know somebody who is personally affected by a mental health problem.

If you think about it, in your group of friends / colleagues 1 in 10 of them will suffer from some sort of mental health issue.

If you are reading this as an ongoing sufferer of a mental health issue, please do not keep it to yourself. Speak to somebody, anybody…

If you are close to your parents, speak to them. You will be amazed at how understanding they will be.

If you struggle to bring these types of subjects up with your parents, speak to a professional, there is absolutely no shame in admitting your issues. Visit your GP or speak to one of the following services for free anytime;





0800 1111







CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)

Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition (CYPMHC)